About Us

Contemplative Outreach of Piedmont NC is a chapter of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. Contemplative Outreach is a spiritual network of individuals and small faith communities committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel. The intent of Contemplative Outreach is to foster the process of transformation in one another through the practice of Centering Prayer. The common desire for Divine transformation, primarily expressed through a commitment to a daily Centering Prayer practice, unites our international, interdenominational community.

The Piedmont Chapter offers workshops to teach Centering Prayer. There are Weekly Groups throughout the area. The Weekly Groups meet to practice Centering Prayer and to encourage members in the practice of Centering Prayer. Click here to see a list of the Weekly Groups.

Our Vision

We embrace the process of transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others, through the practice of Centering Prayer.

Our Mission

As a local chapter of Contemplative Outreach International, our primary mission is to support the practice of Centering Prayer as taught by Fr. Thomas Keating.  We aspire to share Centering Prayer and its contemplative vision as widely as possible.  In addition, we encourage other contemplative practices offered and supported by Contemplative Outreach Ltd to foster the contemplative dimension of the Gospel.

The Circle of Service

The chapter is led by the Circle of Service.  The Circle’s main role is to :

  • Provide support for weekly groups and facilitators
  • Communicate with Centering Prayer practitioners in the Piedmont region of NC including through this website, email, and responding to inquiries from the community.
  • Offer and coordinate chapter events such as Introduction to Centering Prayer programs, Intensive Centering Prayer retreats, and times of gathering for prayer and silence.

Current Circle of Service members are:

Co-Chairs of Contemplative Outreach of Piedmont North Carolina

Deborah Conner is a retired Presbyterian minister who was part of the founding group of COPNC in 2006.  As a practitioner of Centering Prayer, she also serves as a Centering Prayer Presenter, Centering Prayer Intensive Retreat leader,  Co-Coordinator and Treasurer of COPNC.


Richard (Dick) Little is a retired Lutheran pastor who last served for 22 years at Advent Lutheran in Charlotte, NC until he retired in 2008. Upon retirement he began practicing Centering Prayer, facilitated weekly groups, participated in a 10-day Intensive retreat in Snowmass, CO, was certified to lead CP Introductory Programs, and now serves as Co-coordinator of the Circle of Service for COPNC. Sharing the practice of Centering Prayer has become a passion for him in his retirement.


Judy O’Toole  for over 30 years is a Centering Prayer practitioner.   She began at Chrysalis House, the first lay Community Retreat Center in New York.  There she became a Commissioned Presenter for the CP Introductory Program. For 10 years she served as the office administrator for the Contemplative Outreach International Office in Butler, NJ,  working with Fr. Thomas Keating, Fr. Carl Arico and Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler.
Since moving to Charlotte  NC in 2010,  she facilitates a weekly CP group, joined the Circle of Service, is a former Chapter Coordinator and offers Presenter Formation Training.


D’Linda Highum  has a Masters Degree in Pastoral Studies and has been a lay leader in the ELCA Lutheran Church for 20 years leading Centering Prayer, Intercessory prayer, elementary school parent prayer, and women’s Bible study groups. In 2018 she attended Stephen Ministry Leadership training and led a Stephen Ministry group at Christ Lutheran Church.

Mark Baumann